All functions |
Slope, R2 and Efficiency (E) statistics and standard curves |
Calculating mean of technical replicates |
Multiple plot function |
Bar plot of the relative gene expression (\(\Delta C_T\) method) from the |
Fold change (\(\Delta \Delta C_T\) method) analysis using ANOVA and ANCOVA |
Relative expression (\(\Delta C_T\) method) analysis using ANOVA |
Fold change (\(\Delta \Delta C_T\) method) analysis using a model |
Fold change (\(\Delta \Delta C_T\) method) analysis of repeated measure qPCR data |
Fold change (\(\Delta \Delta C_T\) method) analysis of target genes using t-test |
Bar plot of the average fold change (\(\Delta \Delta C_T\) method) of target genes |
Bar plot of the relative gene expression (\(\Delta C_T\) method) from the |
Bar plot of the relative gene expression (\(\Delta C_T\) method) from the |