Bar plot of the relative expression (\(\Delta C_T\) method) of a gene along with the confidence interval and significance

  arrangement = c(1, 2, 3),
  bar.width = 0.5,
  fill = "Reds",
  xlab = "none",
  ylab = "Relative Expression",
  y.axis.adjust = 0.5, = 2,
  letter.position.adjust = 0.3,
  legend.title = "Legend Title",
  legend.position = c(0.4, 0.8),
  fontsize = 12,
  fontsizePvalue = 5,
  show.letters = TRUE,
  axis.text.x.angle = 0,
  axis.text.x.hjust = 0.5



the FC data frame created by qpcrANOVARE(x)$Result function on a three factorial data such as data_3factor example data frame.


order based on the columns in the output table (e.g. c(2,3,1) or c(1,3,2)) affecting factor arrangement of the output graph.


a positive number determining bar width.


a color vector specifying the fill color for the columns of the bar plot. One of the palettes in display.brewer.all (e.g. "Reds" or "Blues", ...) can be applied.


the title of the x axis


the title of the y axis


Type of error bar, can be se or ci.


a negative or positive number for reducing or increasing the length of the y axis.

determines y axis step length


adjust the distance between the grouping letters to the error bars


legend title


a two digit vector specifying the legend position.


all fonts size of the plot


font size of the pvalue labels


a logical variable. If TRUE, mean grouping letters are added to the bars.


angle of x axis text


horizontal justification of x axis text


Bar plot of the average fold change for target genes along with the standard error or 95% confidence interval as error bars.


The threeFACTORplot function generates the bar plot of the average fold change for target genes along with the significance, standard error (se) and the 95% confidence interval (ci).


Ghader Mirzaghaderi


#' # See a sample data frame
#>    Type Conc SA Replicate EPO  POCt EGAPDH GAPDHCt
#> 1     R    L A1         1   2 33.30      2   31.53
#> 2     R    L A1         2   2 33.39      2   31.57
#> 3     R    L A1         3   2 33.34      2   31.50
#> 4     R    L A2         1   2 34.01      2   31.48
#> 5     R    L A2         2   2 36.82      2   31.44
#> 6     R    L A2         3   2 35.44      2   31.46
#> 7     R    M A1         1   2 32.73      2   31.30
#> 8     R    M A1         2   2 32.46      2   32.55
#> 9     R    M A1         3   2 32.60      2   31.92
#> 10    R    M A2         1   2 33.37      2   31.19
#> 11    R    M A2         2   2 33.12      2   31.94
#> 12    R    M A2         3   2 33.21      2   31.57
#> 13    R    H A1         1   2 33.48      2   33.30
#> 14    R    H A1         2   2 33.27      2   33.37
#> 15    R    H A1         3   2 33.32      2   33.35
#> 16    R    H A2         1   2 32.53      2   33.47
#> 17    R    H A2         2   2 32.61      2   33.26
#> 18    R    H A2         3   2 32.56      2   33.36
#> 19    S    L A1         1   2 26.85      2   26.94
#> 20    S    L A1         2   2 28.17      2   27.69
#> 21    S    L A1         3   2 27.99      2   27.39
#> 22    S    L A2         1   2 28.71      2   29.45
#> 23    S    L A2         2   2 29.01      2   29.46
#> 24    S    L A2         3   2 28.82      2   29.48
#> 25    S    M A1         1   2 30.41      2   28.70
#> 26    S    M A1         2   2 29.49      2   28.66
#> 27    S    M A1         3   2 29.98      2   28.71
#> 28    S    M A2         1   2 28.91      2   28.09
#> 29    S    M A2         2   2 28.60      2   28.65
#> 30    S    M A2         3   2 28.59      2   28.37
#> 31    S    H A1         1   2 29.03      2   30.61
#> 32    S    H A1         2   2 28.73      2   30.20
#> 33    S    H A1         3   2 28.83      2   30.49
#> 34    S    H A2         1   2 28.29      2   30.84
#> 35    S    H A2         2   2 28.53      2   30.65
#> 36    S    H A2         3   2 28.28      2   30.74

# Before plotting, the result needs to be extracted as below:
res <- qpcrANOVARE(data_3factor, numberOfrefGenes = 1, block = NULL)$Result
#> Analysis of Variance Table
#> Response: wDCt
#>           Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
#> T         11 94.001  8.5456  29.188 3.248e-11 ***
#> Residuals 24  7.027  0.2928                      
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> Relative expression table
#>    Type Conc SA     RE    LCL    UCL     se  letters
#> 1     S    H A2 5.1934 3.3217 8.1197 0.1309   4.7429   5.6867  a      
#> 2     S    H A1 2.9690 1.8990 4.6420 0.0551   2.8577   3.0846  ab     
#> 3     R    H A2 1.7371 1.1110 2.7159 0.0837   1.6392   1.8409   bc    
#> 4     S    L A2 1.5333 0.9807 2.3973 0.0865   1.4441   1.6280    c    
#> 5     R    H A1 0.9885 0.6323 1.5455 0.0841   0.9325   1.0478    cd   
#> 6     S    L A1 0.7955 0.5088 1.2438 0.2128   0.6864   0.9219     d   
#> 7     S    M A2 0.7955 0.5088 1.2438 0.2571   0.6656   0.9507     d   
#> 8     R    M A1 0.6271 0.4011 0.9804 0.4388   0.4626   0.8500     de  
#> 9     S    M A1 0.4147 0.2652 0.6483 0.2540   0.3478   0.4945      ef 
#> 10    R    M A2 0.3150 0.2015 0.4925 0.2890   0.2578   0.3849       f 
#> 11    R    L A1 0.2852 0.1824 0.4459 0.0208   0.2811   0.2893       f 
#> 12    R    L A2 0.0641 0.0410 0.1002 0.8228   0.0362   0.1134        g
#>    Type Conc SA     RE    LCL    UCL     se  letters
#> 1     S    H A2 5.1934 3.3217 8.1197 0.1309   4.7429   5.6867  a      
#> 2     S    H A1 2.9690 1.8990 4.6420 0.0551   2.8577   3.0846  ab     
#> 3     R    H A2 1.7371 1.1110 2.7159 0.0837   1.6392   1.8409   bc    
#> 4     S    L A2 1.5333 0.9807 2.3973 0.0865   1.4441   1.6280    c    
#> 5     R    H A1 0.9885 0.6323 1.5455 0.0841   0.9325   1.0478    cd   
#> 6     S    L A1 0.7955 0.5088 1.2438 0.2128   0.6864   0.9219     d   
#> 7     S    M A2 0.7955 0.5088 1.2438 0.2571   0.6656   0.9507     d   
#> 8     R    M A1 0.6271 0.4011 0.9804 0.4388   0.4626   0.8500     de  
#> 9     S    M A1 0.4147 0.2652 0.6483 0.2540   0.3478   0.4945      ef 
#> 10    R    M A2 0.3150 0.2015 0.4925 0.2890   0.2578   0.3849       f 
#> 11    R    L A1 0.2852 0.1824 0.4459 0.0208   0.2811   0.2893       f 
#> 12    R    L A2 0.0641 0.0410 0.1002 0.8228   0.0362   0.1134        g

# Arrange the first three colunms of the result table.
# This determines the columns order and shapes the plot output.
threeFACTORplot(res, arrangement = c(3, 1, 2), errorbar = "se",
    xlab = "condition")

threeFACTORplot(res, arrangement = c(1, 2, 3), bar.width = 0.5, fill = "Greys", 
xlab = "Genotype", ylab = "Relative Expression", errorbar = "se")

# Reordering factor levels to a desired order.
res$Conc <- factor(res$Conc, levels = c("L","M","H"))
res$Type <- factor(res$Type, levels = c("S","R"))

# Producing the plot
threeFACTORplot(res, arrangement = c(2, 3, 1), bar.width = 0.5, 
fill = "Reds", xlab = "Drought", ylab = "Relative Expression", 
errorbar = "se", legend.title = "Genotype", legend.position = c(0.2, 0.8))

# When using ci as error, increase the 
# y.axis.adjust value to see the plot correctly!
threeFACTORplot(res, arrangement = c(2, 3, 1), bar.width = 0.8, fill = "Greens", 
xlab = "Drought", ylab = "Relative Expression", errorbar = "ci", 
y.axis.adjust = 1, = 2, letter.position.adjust = 0.6, 
legend.title = "Genotype", fontsize = 12, legend.position = c(0.2, 0.8), 
show.letters = TRUE)